Martina Balzarová - photographer, diver and biologistčeská verze


Encounters under the sea

Kareta obrovská z Marsa Abu Dabbab se jménem Jam, foceno v rámci výzkumu mořských želv v Egyptě Turtle Watch.
Jedovatá ropušnice číhající na vraku.
Korálové útesy vytvářejí uchvacující scenérie.
Jeden z nejmenších mořských koníčku na světě - Hippocampus bargibanti (max. 1,5 cm)
Zahrabaný nebehled v písku s jedovatými ostny.
Štítník hledající potravu na mořském dně.

Almost 70 undersea photographs from Red Sea, Vietnam, Indonesia and Zanzibar. On big pictures (70x50cm) you will see small animals, just few centimeters long in a real life or very big creatures like turtles, moray eels or scorpionfishes just face to face.

The exhibition is not only about nice photographs but also it hase educational purposes - that is why you can read from several info panels about various marine life.

The collection was supported by Faculty of science at the University of South Bohemia.

The exhibition will travel from town to town all around Czech republic. Together with photographs there is rich audiovisual programe and also biological lectures could be included.

I will be publishing my first photography and biology book called Encounters under the sea 1 - Critters and Dwarfs, it will be czech-english. The book will be introduced in March 2013 during big exhibition in my home town Teplice.
