Martina Balzarová - photographer, diver and biologistčeská verze


Marine life on coral reefs

What exactly is a coral? How coral reefs are created and where we can find them?

Coral reefs create wide and connected ecosystem where every creature has it´s own important role. At the coral reefs is very important to help one and another and cooperation and also an art of living at the expende of the other. Big animals as turtles, dolphins and sharks are visiting coral reefs ocassionaly. The reef is for them mostly as a hunting place or safe area.

Rcently we always hear about global warming and other disasters in marine ecosystem. Is really the fragile world of coral reefs really in such danger?

What happens when coral starts dying and can we help with protection marine reefs and their inhabitans?

Approximate duration of lecture: 1h 30 min

In case of interest please contact me:, tel. 728 019 411.
